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多大主校区发了10000加元奖学金?有什么条件 4511

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最近,皇冠现金网出国的一些同学已经拿到多伦多大学的录取了,在2024 Fall。而且获得了10万加元的奖学金,这个奖学金有什么条件呢?我们再这帮大家列出要求详情!




University of Toronto International Scholar Award

Offered upon admission to selected international students on the basis of merit. Students are automatically considered for this award, which is valued at up to $100,000 over four consecutive years, or until degree completion, whichever comes first (up to $40,000 in the first year and renewable for $20,000 in the second, third and fourth years).

Terms & Conditions

This award is for four consecutive academic years (Fall/Winter terms) and the total award value is indicated on yourJOIN U of T portal.

This award is tenable with other admission awards offered by the University of Toronto, unless otherwise stated. An exception is theLester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship, theArts & Science Global Scholarship, theInternational Merit Admission Awardand the theInternational Student Admission Bursary.

This award is conditional on:

1.Completion of your secondary school program with high academic standing and fully satisfying the conditions of your offer of admission to the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto. The Faculty reserves the right to withdraw this award offer if these conditions are not satisfied.

2.Full-time registration in eight consecutive Fall/Winter terms and completion of at least 3.0 credits by the end of each Fall/Winter session. An exception is made for students registered withAccessibility Serviceswith a reduced course load accommodation. Credits earned during Summer sessions and transfer credits are not considered. An exception is made for transfer credits earned during an outbound exchange through U of T Programs (Centre for International Experience). Please see the Outbound Exchange section below for more information. Summer session tuition fees are not included under this award.

3.Registration as an international student (i.e., a non-Canadian requiring a study permit) in the Faculty of Arts & Science.International students charged domestic feesare not eligible.

4.Registration in the Faculty of Arts & Science, St. George campus. As this award is funded by the Faculty of Arts & Science, St. George campus, it is not transferable to other campuses or faculties.

Award renewal is based on your academic performance and compliance with the above Terms & Conditions following your first, second and third year of study.  The renewal will be based on your final grades and you will receive an email notifying you of your renewal eligibility in the following Summer term. While renewal is not tied to a specific minimum grade point average, we expect that your high academic achievement will continue and that you remain “in good standing” as defined by the Faculty of Arts & Science. The award may be withdrawn due to unsatisfactory academic performance. Please consult with yourCollege Registrar’s Officeif you have any questions or concerns regarding your academic progress and ability to meet the Terms & Conditions of this award.

Rotman Commerce students should refer to theInternational Scholar Award – Rotman Commercefor Terms & Conditions.


Payment for admission scholarships or awards is applied to your student account after your registration is confirmed for the Fall term, typically by mid-October. This scholarship is eligible for atuition fee deferral(registration without payment) on the basis of an Undergraduate Award in the first year of studies only. Award renewal payments are not eligible for a tuition fee deferral. For more information, please visit theStudent Accounts Website.

Should you complete your degree in less than eight consecutive Fall/Winter terms, the award payment will be applied to your student account up to and including your final Fall term of fourth year, provided you meet all the award Terms & Conditions outlined above and are enrolled in a minimum of 1.5 FCE. If you are enrolled in less than 1.5 FCE, you will not be eligible to receive the award. Should the annual award value exceed outstanding fees owing in your final term, the remaining value will not be disbursed. Should you complete your degree within your first, second, or third year of study, you would not be eligible for further award renewals.

Changes to Registration, Legal or Fee-Paying Status

You are required to inform theOffice of the Faculty Registrar, Arts & Sciencebefore dropping below full-time status, withdrawing from your studies or if there is a change in your legal or fee paying status. Students who withdraw, substantially reduce their course-load or have a change to their legal or fee paying status during the academic year may be required to repay all or part of their award. An exception is made for students registered withAccessibility Serviceswith a reduced course load accommodation.

Arts & Science Internship Program (ASIP)

Recipients of this award who are participating in theArts & Science Internship Program (ASIP)are eligible for a scholarship deferral during their work term period. To be eligible for a scholarship deferral, students must meet the Terms & Conditions of the award at the time of their deferral request and must continue to meet the Terms & Conditions upon their immediate return to studies. While the scholarship is deferred, students are responsible for any fees incurred. Full conditions on award deferrals are outlined below:

Fall Term Return to Studies

Students with a Fall re-start must meet all Terms & Conditions, including full-time registration status and enrolment in a minimum of 3.0 FCE. The full renewal payment will be disbursed upon confirmation of registration compliance with the above Terms and Conditions, typically by mid-October.

Winter Term Return to Studies

·Students with a Winter re-start must meet all Terms & Conditions, including full-time registration status.

·If students are enrolled in a minimum of 3.0 FCE, they will be eligible to receive the full renewal payment.

·If students are enrolled in less than 3.0 FCE but more than 1.5 FCE, they will be eligible to receive a partial renewal payment of 50%. The remaining 50% will be added onto their final Fall term of full-time study.

·If students choose to fast track over the Summer and do not return to full-time study in their final Fall term, they will not be eligible to receive the carried forward partial payment of 50%.  The award does not pay out funding in the Summer term.

·Payments will be disbursed upon confirmation of registration, typically by early February.

·If students return to studies with a part-time status, they will no longer be eligible to receive their award. An exception is made for students registered withAccessibility Serviceswith a reduced course load accommodation.

The award will not exceed the total original offered value and will not exceed 8 terms of full-time study.

If students do not meet the terms as outlined above upon return to studies, the scholarship will be cancelled in full.

U of T Outbound Exchange

Recipients of this award who are participating in an outbound exchange through theCentre for International Experience (CIE)must meet the Terms & Conditions of the award at the time of their outbound exchange and must continue to meet the Terms & Conditions upon their immediate return to studies. Students are required to maintain full-time registration during their outbound exchange.  Full conditions on renewal eligibility requirements are outlined below:

Fall or Winter Term Abroad (one term)

If you are participating in an outbound exchange program for one term (i.e., Fall term only or Winter term only), you will be required to earn a minimum of 1.5 FCE in transfer credits during your study abroad and 1.5 FCE during your study term at the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto. Award renewal eligibility will be assessed once the transfer credits have been assessed and recorded onACORN. For information regarding transfer credits earned through Learning Abroad & Exchange Programs, please visit theTransfer Credit Team’s website. Please note, award renewals for outbound exchange students may be delayed as timelines are contingent upon the transfer credit process.

Fall & Winter Terms Abroad (two terms)

If you are participating in an outbound exchange program for two consecutive terms (i.e., the Fall and Winter terms), you are required to maintain full-time registration and earn a minimum of 3.0 FCE in transfer credits during your study abroad. Award renewal eligibility will be assessed once thetransfer creditshave been assessed and recorded onACORN. For information regarding transfer credits earned through Learning Abroad & Exchange Programs, please visit theTransfer Credit Team’s website. Please note, award renewals for outbound exchange students may be delayed as timelines are contingent upon the transfer credit process.

Additional Information

·For information about admission award conditions, please review theFrequently Asked Questions.

·For questions related to your award, please contact Undergraduate Awards, Arts & Science at undergrad.awards.artsci@utoronto.ca.

·You should consult yourCollege Registrar’s Officeif you have any questions or concerns regarding academic advising, financial matters and support services.

http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/faculty-registrar/awards-scholarships - admission-awards-accordion-10




除非另有说明,该奖学金与多伦多大学提供的其他入学奖学金一样有效。莱斯特·B·皮尔逊国际学生奖学金(Lester B.Pearson International Student Scholarship)、艺术与科学全球奖学金(Arts&Science Global Scholarship)、国际优秀学生入学奖学金(International Merit Admission Award)和国际学生入学奖学金(International Student Admission Bursary)除外。http://future.utoronto.ca/pearson/about/http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/faculty-registrar/awards-scholarships - admission-awards-accordion-1http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/faculty-registrar/awards-scholarships - admission-awards-accordion-4http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/faculty-registrar/awards-scholarships - Bursary






奖学金续发是基于您的学习成绩和遵守上述条款和条件,第二年和第三年的学习。续发将基于您的最终成绩,您将在下一个夏季学期收到一封电子邮件,通知您的更新资格。虽然续发并不与特定的最低平均绩点挂钩,我们希望你能继续取得高学术成就,并保持文理学院所定义的良好声誉。该奖项可能因学习成绩不理想而被撤销。如果您对您的学术进步和满足TE的能力有任何疑问或顾虑,请咨询您的学院注册办公室。本裁决的RMS和条件。http://artsci.calendar.utoronto.ca/academic-record - assessment-standinghttp://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/academic-advising-and-support/college-registrars-offices




如果你在连续八个秋季/冬季学期内完成学位,奖金将用于您的学生帐户,直到并包括您第四年的最后一个秋季学期。如果您符合上述所有奖励条款和条件,并且至少注册了15 FCE。如果您参加的FCE少于1.5,您将没有资格获得该奖励。如果年度奖励价值超过您在最后期限内所欠的未付费用,则剩余价值将不予支付。如果您在学习的第一年、第二年或第三年内完成学位,您将没有资格获得进一步的奖励更新。






秋季开学的学生必须满足所有条款和条件,包括全日制注册状态和至少3.0 FCE的注册。在确认注册符合上述条款和条件后(通常在10月中旬),将支付全额续发费用。



·如果学生至少注册了3.0 FCE,他们将有资格获得全额续发奖学金。







U of T出站交换





如果您连续参加两个学期(即秋季和冬季学期)的出境交流计划,您需要保持全日制注册,并在海外学习期间获得至少3.0 FCE的转学分。一旦转移学分被评估并记录在ACORN上,奖励更新资格将被评估。有关通过海外学习和交流项目获得的学分转移的信息,请访问学分转移团队的网站。请注意,出境交换生的奖励更新可能会延迟,因为时间表取决于学分转移过程。http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/faculty-registrar/transfer-credit/learning-abroad-and-exchange-programshttp://acorn.utoronto.ca/http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/current/faculty-registrar/transfer-credit/learning-abroad-and-exchange-programs


·有关入学奖励条件的信息,请查看常见问题。http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/future/ready-apply/faqs - scholarships

