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美国藤校宾夕法尼亚大学2024年2月13日宣布,其工程和应用科学学院推出人工智能方向的工学学士学位Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence.








AI 选修及专业方向课程如下:

AI Electives:

In addition to the courses above, students will have an opportunity to take six AI courses selected from the list of approved courses below, along with the 1-year senior design sequence:

Machine Learning Electives

  • CIS      3333: Mathematics of Machine Learning
  • ESE      5460: Principles of Deep Learning
  • ESE      5140: Graph Neural Networks
  • ESE      4380: Machine Learning for Time-Series Data
  • ESE      6450: Deep Generative Models
  • CIS      6200: Advanced Deep Learning
  • CIS      6250: Computational Learning Theory
  • ESE      6740: Information Theory
  • CIS      7000: Trustworthy AI

Optimization, Systems, and Control Electives

  • ESE      3030: Stochastic Systems Analysis and Simulation
  • ESE      5000: Linear Systems Theory
  • ESE      5050: Control Systems
  • ESE      5060: Linear Optimization
  • ESE      6050: Modern Convex Optimization
  • ESE      6060: Combinatorial Optimization
  • ESE      6190: Model Predictive Control
  • ESE      6180: Learning for Dynamics and Control

Other AI Electives

  • MEAM      5200: Robotics
  • MEAM      6200: Advanced Robotics
  • ESE      6500: Learning in Robotics
  • ESE      6150: F1/10 Autonomous Racing Cars
  • CIS      4120: Human-Computer Interaction
  • CIS      5800: Machine Perception
  • CIS      5360: Computational Biology
  • BE      5210: Brain Computer Interfaces
  • CIS      4500: Databases
  • CIS      6500: Advanced Topics Databases
  • CIS      3990: Wireless and Mobile Sensing
  • NETS      3120: Theory of Networks
  • NETS      4120: Algorithmic Game Theory
  • ESE      4040: Engineering Markets

The above list will evolve as new courses are added to the program.

AI Concentrations:

The seven AI elective courses can be structured along AI concentrations depending on the interests of the student. Concentrations are optional and consist of four courses in a specific theme. 

  • Robotics
  • Vision/Language
  • Machine   Learning
  • Data/Society
  • Health/Systems